อ้างอิง ของ วลาดีมีร์ มายาคอฟสกี

  1. Mayakovsky, Vladimir (1985). "Conversation with Comrade Lenin". Selected Works in Three Volumes. 1 (Selected Verse). English poem trans. Irina Zheleznova. USSR: Raduga Publishers. p. 238. ISBN 5-05-00001 7-3. On snow-covered lands / and stubbly fields, / in smoky plants / and on factory sites, / with you in our hearts, / Comrade Lenin, / we think, / we breathe, / we live, / we build, / and we fight!
  2. Mayakovsky, Vladimir (1960). "At the Top of My Voice". The Bedbug and Selected Poetry. trans. Max Hayward and George Reavey. New York: Meridian Books. pp. 231–235. ISBN 978-0253201898. When I appear / before the CCC / of the coming / bright years, / by way of my Bolshevik party card, / I’ll raise / above the heads / of a gang of self-seeking / poets and rogues, / all the hundred volumes / of my / communist-committed books.
  3. Sundaram, Chantal (2000). Manufacturing Culture: The Soviet State and the Mayakovsky Legend 1930–1993. Ottawa, Canada: National Library of Canada: Acquisitions and Bibliographical Services. pp. 71, 85. ISBN 0-612-50061-6.


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